How to Make Vegan Ice Cream

Summer is here, and there’s no better way to beat the heat than with a refreshing and delicious bowl of ice cream. If you’re following a vegan diet or simply want to try something new, then making your own vegan ice cream is the perfect solution. In this article, we’ll take you step by step through the process of making your own vegan ice cream. We’ll cover everything from selecting the right ingredients to the best equipment to use, as well as offering tips and tricks to help you create a creamy, satisfying ice cream that will leave you craving more. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or just starting out, our guide on how to make vegan ice cream is sure to provide you with everything you need to know to create your own delicious and healthy frozen treat. So let’s get started on this exciting and delicious journey to make the perfect vegan ice cream!

Are you tired of spending money on store-bought vegan ice creams that don’t quite hit the spot? Look no further, because making your own vegan ice cream is easier than you think! With a few simple ingredients and the right equipment, you can create a delicious and creamy vegan ice cream that’s both healthy and satisfying.

ice cream, vegan ice cream, waffle-2367072.jpg
Vegan Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream

Ingredients You’ll Need:

  • 2 cans of full-fat coconut milk
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • Your favorite mix-ins (optional)

Equipment You’ll Need:

  • A large mixing bowl
  • A whisk or electric mixer
  • A freezer-safe container
  • An ice cream maker (optional, but highly recommended)


Step 1: Chill the Ingredients

Place the cans of coconut milk in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours before you start making your ice cream. This will help the milk to thicken and create a creamy texture.

Step 2: Make the Ice Cream Base

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the chilled coconut milk, sugar, and vanilla extract until the sugar has completely dissolved.

Step 3: Add Mix-ins (Optional)

If you’d like to add any mix-ins, such as chocolate chips, fruit, or nuts, now is the time to do so. Gently fold them into the ice cream base.

Step 4: Freeze the Ice Cream

Pour the ice cream base into a freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 6 hours, or until it has reached a soft-serve consistency. If you’re using an ice cream maker, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for freezing the ice cream.

Step 5: Serve and Enjoy!

Once your ice cream has fully frozen, take it out of the freezer and let it sit at room temperature for a few minutes before scooping and serving. Store any leftovers in the freezer for up to one month.

Tips and Tricks for Making the Perfect Vegan Ice Cream:

Experiment with different flavors and mix-ins to create your own unique ice cream creations.

If you’re not using an ice cream maker, remember to stir the ice cream every hour to prevent it from becoming icy.

If the ice cream is too soft, place it back in the freezer for a little longer.

For a creamier texture, try using full-fat coconut milk instead of a lighter variety.


Making your own vegan ice cream is a great way to enjoy a delicious and healthy treat. The process is simple and requires just a few key ingredients, including full-fat coconut milk, sugar, and vanilla extract. If desired, mix-ins such as fruit, nuts, or chocolate chips can also be added to create a unique and delicious flavor. To make the ice cream, simply whisk together the ingredients, freeze for at least 6 hours, and then enjoy! An ice cream maker is optional but highly recommended for the best texture. Whether you’re following a vegan lifestyle or simply looking for a healthier alternative to store-bought ice cream, making your own vegan ice cream is a great option that’s both delicious and satisfying.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Make Vegan Ice Cream

What are the key ingredients for making vegan ice cream?

The main ingredients for vegan ice cream are full-fat coconut milk, sugar, and vanilla extract. You can also add mix-ins like fruit, nuts, or chocolate chips to create a unique flavor.

Is it necessary to have an ice cream maker to make vegan ice cream?

No, an ice cream maker is not necessary but it is highly recommended for the best texture. If you don’t have an ice cream maker, you can still make vegan ice cream, but the final product may have a more icy consistency.

Can vegan ice cream be stored in the freezer for later use?

Yes, vegan ice cream can be stored in the freezer for later use. Simply place the ice cream in a sealed container and freeze for up to 3 months.

Can vegan ice cream be used as a substitute in recipes that call for regular ice cream?

Yes, vegan ice cream can be used as a substitute in recipes that call for regular ice cream. It may have a slightly different texture, but the taste should still be delicious.

What are some alternative vegan ingredients that can be used in place of coconut milk for making vegan ice cream?

Soy milk, almond milk, and cashew milk are all popular alternatives to coconut milk that can be used for making vegan ice cream. Each alternative will result in a slightly different flavor, so experiment to find your favorite!”

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